The gift of tongues was the very first gift given to the Church on the Day of Pentecost. Of all the gifts God could have given His Church – why tongues? Why not miracles, healings, the gift of faith or prophecy; would they have not been a better choice? After all, they certainly would have been less controversial. And logically speaking, they would have made more sense. But then again, our ways are not God’s ways.

Apparently God thought it was pretty important to give the gift of tongues above all the other gifts of the Spirit. Some scholars believe this gift played a major role in the explosion of the gospel through the early church. We may never know that for sure, but it certainly was a vital part of the belief and practice of those early Christians.

Here’s a thought: What if the gift of tongues is the key in releasing God’s Kingdom and power here on earth? What if it contains the power to transform us into mighty men and women of God – that in turn release wisdom, power, knowledge, healing, and even miracles? What if this gift is the greatest gift of all from God’s perspective? Maybe, just maybe, we really don’t understand the magnitude of the gift of tongues…

Jackie Pullinger, in her book “Chasing the Dragon” talks about her experience in speaking in tongues. She received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues shortly after she was saved. She experienced the warm fuzzies at that time but never really understand the power of this gift. And, like many, as soon as the novelty wore off, she quit praying in tongues altogether. It wasn’t until she was exhorted to pray in tongues fifteen minutes every day that she discovered the power of this amazing gift. After about six weeks of doing just that, she began to see the unsaved flock to Jesus. But that was only the beginning! She then learned to use this gift in ministry and witnessed hundreds of drug addicts powerfully set free from years of addiction without any withdrawal. This was simply because she learned to practice and use this amazing gift.

How have we missed something so powerful, so extraordinary, so life changing? Have we missed it, because we simply failed to use it? The gift of tongues blew up Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. Three thousand souls came to Jesus that day. Those 120 disciples in the Upper Room multiplied rapidly and went on to turn the Roman Empire upside down. Is it possible that God has given us everything we need to turn our world upside down today – if we will only use it?

Let me close by exhorting you to stir up the gift of tongues that was given to you by the Holy Spirit. That gift is of no value to you or anyone else – if you don’t use it.

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