If we look around the world today, we can’t help but wonder… How long before we reach the end of this age? If you are a Bible student or have read Scriptures that refer to the last days, you must realize the time is short. Many Bible teachers and scholars agree that Jesus is coming back soon. That very thought leaves me with a question: “Am I ready, are you ready, for what is about to take place?”

The rapture of the church (the catching up to heaven of all true believers in Christ) seems to be the next big thing on God’s calendar. The question is, “Who will go?” Many Bible teachers and pastors teach that all evangelical Christians will be raptured – all those who profess to be a Christian. I don’t know if I agree with that position…

The church in America is confusing when it comes to knowing who is really a true believer. Many who profess to be Christian live as though they don’t even know Jesus, much less the teachings of His Word. Their lifestyle aligns more with the world than the Bible. They may attend church and serve in the church – and yet, they seldom read the Bible, only pray when necessary, and live immoral lives.

Jesus told us that you can tell a tree by the fruit it bears. A good tree will bear good fruit, and a bad tree will bear bad fruit. If a tree doesn’t bear good fruit, it indicates one of two things: Either it needs some serious attention, such as fertilizing and pruning – or there is simply no life in it. Many who profess to be Christian, say all the right things, may look good on the outside, and yet the fruit of their life seems to say otherwise.

Christianity was never meant to be a religion, but rather a relationship with a heavenly God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. It’s a relationship whereby the holy God lives in the heart of a believer. That concept has always boggled my mind. Think about it… the Creator of the universe living in the heart of a person! Totally amazing – but it’s true… The Holy Spirit comes to reside in us the moment we are “born again.” That is when we go from knowing about God to knowing Him personally and intimately. Yet until that happens, we can only know about Him – intellectually. And that’s the scary part today. Many who profess to be a Christian only seem to know about Him.

Christianity is all about having a personal relationship with God. In John 17:3 Jesus said, “Eternal life means to know and experience You as the only true God, and to know and experience Jesus Christ, as the Son whom you have sent.” (TPT) However, many today have been led to believe that knowing about Him is the same as knowing Him personally. It is not! As a result, many profess to be Christian, yet their lifestyle says otherwise.

Claiming to be a Christian and continuing in a life of sin is not okay. God forbid; that is never okay! (1 John 3:1-10) I’m not saying every person who confesses to being a believer never sins – far from it. We all fall short and sin from time to time. “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” (1John 1:8) On the other hand, how is it possible that a person can have the Holy Spirit living inside and continue in a lifestyle of sin? I know in my life, the Holy Spirit is always present to convict me the moment I sin.  

The apostle Paul tells us that Jesus is coming back for “a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.” (Ephesians 5:27 NKJV) How is that possible today? It can only mean one of two things: (1) Only a small percent of those who claim to be believers will be raptured, or (2) something amazing must happen to wake up the nominal church and cause many to turn to Christ. I don’t see any other way around Ephesians 5:27.

Jesus warned us to be ready when He returns, for no one knows the day or hour when He is coming. The early church took that to heart and lived everyday expecting Jesus to return. Today it is almost the complete opposite. Many reject the rapture altogether and others believe it will never happen during their lifetime. Still others scoff and say, “We’ve heard that all before, and it hasn’t happened, yet!” The apostle Peter foretold that would be the case in the last days. In 2 Peter 3:3-4 he wrote, “knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” (NKJV) The Holy Spirit inspired Peter to write those words as a warning to us about the last days. While that should not be our attitude, the very fact that many think that way proves the hour is late!

The rapture of the church is imminent… It can happen at any time and seems to be the next big event on God’s calendar. According to Scripture, nothing needs to happen before the rapture can take place. And so, we must be awake and ready to not be left behind. Check out the story of the wise and foolish virgings in Matthew 24…

In addition, I want to share five verses that every believer should at least consider to be ready to meet the Lord in the air:

  1. In Mark 13:33, we are instructed to, “Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.”(NKJV) We need to be alert. How? By watching and praying. The word ‘watch’ means to stay awake, but it also to be observant of the signs of the times. Why? Because we don’t know exactly when the rapture will happen. However, it does tell us of the events that will take place prior to it. Those signs indicate that it could happen at any time – today, tomorrow, or next week. And so, we must draw closer to the Lord, be alert, read His Word, and connect Biblical prophecy with the current events. If every person who professes to be Christian is automatically taken in the rapture, why would Jesus tell us to watch and pray?
  • In Luke 21:36, Jesus further emphasizes the importance of watching and praying. “Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (NKJV) I thought I was already worthy because of what Jesus did on the cross. And yet, this verse warns us that we must pray and be ready to escape the things that will happen on the earth. Many today are caught up in the cares and pleasures of life, unaware of what is coming upon the earth. Can you be a Christian and be left behind when the rapture occurs? I think you can. I wouldn’t want to be left behind knowing what will take place during the Tribulation. We must be “ready” to be counted worthy and escape the evil that will come upon the earth.
  • In Hebrews 9:28 we are told, “So Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.” (NKJV) This verse indicates that only those who eagerly wait for Him will be ready – and it implies that not everyone will be ready. In Matthew 24:43-44 Jesus said, “But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”(NKJV) Many today ignore the promise of His coming and allow the world to influence their way of life. They will not be ready when He comes.
  • In 2 Corinthians 7:1 the apostle Paul writes, “Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (NKJV) One of the definitions of holiness is “a cut above the rest.” In the prior chapter, the apostle Paul exhorts us to come out from the world and be different. (2 Corinthians 6:17-18) Then God will be a Father to us, and we will be His children. The Holy Spirit wants to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and set us apart from the prevailing influence of the world. The writer of Hebrews also exhorts us to, “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord:”(Hebrews 12:14 NKJV)
  • And finally in Revelation 21:7, Jesus spoke these words, “He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be My son.” (NKJV) We live in an age of war, a war for the souls of men. Every day we face a battle in life: Who we will serve? The world is constantly enticing us to live for the cares and pleasures of this life.  But those who overcome the world, will inherit all the blessings of heaven. As followers of Jesus Christ, we need to make every effort to live a life pleasing to the Lord – and to live ready, knowing that He could come at any moment.

So, the question for all of us is this: Are we ready? Not everyone will be ready when Jesus comes to gather His bride and take her into His eternal home. Therefore, we must take heed to the warnings of Scripture and live ready – that we may be counted worthy to be part of the bride of Christ.

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