I wrote the original article, “Vote for God” back in 2020. (Click HERE for Part 1.) So, this is what you might call the “Second Edition.” Once again, elections are around the corner, and many people are struggling to decide how to vote.

Our political process seems to disintegrate more and more with every election – and listening to the news, political ads, and social media only makes it worse!  I must admit, I’m not that excited about voting in the upcoming election. If we could choose different candidates, I think most people would opt to do so. However, that is not the case.

When it comes to electing our next Commander-in-Chief, we only have one of three options. We can either vote for Donald Trump and the Republican party, Kamala Harris and the Democratic party – or no vote at all. The third option might seem appealing, but for the Christian, I don’t believe it’s an option. We are responsible to pray for our leaders (I Timothy 2:1-3), and we have the unique privilege of electing our leaders in this country. In many places that is not possible… So when you vote, keep in mind Proverbs 29:2, “When justice rules a nation, everyone is glad; when injustice rules, everyone groans.”

Today, the political scene is so volatile and confusing that the process of choosing the right candidate can become muddled. Choices are often fueled by sentiments such as, “I don’t like that person because they are so demeaning” or “I won’t vote for that person because they are disingenuous.” Let me remind you that none of us are perfect. (If we were, we wouldn’t need a Savior!)  Every candidate will have flaws, if you look closely enough. So, if you are looking for the perfect candidate – forget it. There are no perfect candidates, and there are no perfect people – regardless of whether or not we like their personality.

Another thing that often affects the election process can be purely selfish. What will that candidate do for me? How will they make my life better? You might remember the famous quote by President John F Kennedy at his 1961 inaugural address: “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” That statement is still relevant today.

In choosing our next president we need to ask, what will this candidate do for our country? Will this person lead us in the right direction now and for the future of America? As believers in Christ, there is only one agenda that should determine our vote: Does the candidate stand for what the Bible says is right? Or more importantly, does the candidate’s platform align with the Word of God? When we start looking at elections with this in mind, it can help to simplify the process.

I regret we only have two parties to choose from in this election. Often there is an independent party, and perhaps, other parties that are not well known – but the fact is, either a Republican or a Democrat will be elected in November 2024.

So, I decided long ago that my choice in every election cannot be based on the personality of individuals…if I want to vote for God. My vote must be based on what their party platform represents. Which party most aligns with the Bible?

For example, one of the gravest sins in America’s history is endorsing abortion. As of 2022, it is estimated that over 63 million abortions have been performed in the U.S. since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. At that time, the Supreme Court would not decide whether the “product of conception” was an actual baby or not. The justices were not doctors, and medical science was silent on that salient point. So, that was their verdict.

However, since the official Senate report of 2013, this has not been the case. At the time of that investigation, there was overwhelming agreement from physicians, biologists, and other scientists that conception marks the beginning of the life of a human being. The fetus (baby) is indeed alive and a member of the human species. At that time, science caught up with Scripture. The Bible has always been clear about the matter: Abortion murder in the eyes of God! Now, science confirmed this – and yet, we abort babies many times over every day in America.

Sadly, in 2024, both political parties now support abortion in some measure. The Republican party is opposed to late term abortions, while the Democratic party vehemently supports all forms of abortion.

Also, the Democratic party is a strong supporter of the LBGT movement and passed the Respect for Marriage Act that guarantees same sex marriage. They have passed numerous laws in support the LGBT agenda – including full support of transgenderism at all ages. The Republican party has softened their stand on LGBT issues but has promised to continue to fight against various issues with transgenderism, including the criminalizing surgery and hormone treatment among minors. In addition to the issue of abortion, these are just two others that clearly stand in opposition to the Word and will of God.

The purpose of this article is not to address all of the issues of the two political parties. Sadly, both parties have turned away from Biblical values to win the overall vote of the American people. At this point, unfortunately, the question is: Which is the lesser of the two evils? Which party has led the way in advancing evil in our society? I believe the answer to that question is clear… the Democratic party.

The moral downfall of America has not happened overnight. Over the past 62 years, American politics have either ignored Biblical mandates or deliberately chosen to reject God’s Word. Psalm 33:12 says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen for His inheritance.” The opposite is equally true. Cursed is the nation who rejects God as their Lord.

Historically, in the 1962/63 decisions of Engel v. Vitale and Abington School District v. Schempp, the Supreme Court prohibited state-sponsored prayer, Bible readings, and other school-sponsored religious activities in public schools. That was just the beginning of the push to create a society free from Biblical restraints. This downward spiral has increased over the years to where we now find ourselves asking the question – “Which is the lesser of two evils?”    

Somehow, people seem to think that we can ignore the Bible and expect God to bless America. Nothing could be further from the truth. God’s blessings are connected to believing, embracing, and obeying His Word. Trust and obey – for there is no other way…

If we, as Christians, ignore or reject God’s Word, we will be held accountable for our actions. So, when you go to the polls this year, ask yourself this question: Who am I voting for? As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, the answer should be quite simple… Vote for God!

(Here is a list of Scriptures reflected in this article. It is by no means an exhaustive one, but a good starting place for your own study of these matters… Proverbs 6:17, Isaiah 59:7, Jeremiah 22:3, Exodus 20:13, Psalm 106:38, Psalm 139:16, Lev. 18:22, Jude 1:7, Romans 1:26-28, I Cor. 6:9-10…)

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